Chris and I start every day with at least one cup of coffee. When we were getting ready to leave the US and trying to decide what we needed to bring, we had the panicked thought – “What if our house-sit doesn’t have a coffee maker?”.  So, we did some research and found a mobile coffee solution – the AeroPress Coffee Maker. 

Now we can’t live without it!

It is EXTREMELY easy to use and clean. The coffee tastes great and it packs up into a tiny tote bag, making it really easy to travel with.

Before we left I bought some extra paper filters (they were really cheap) and a reusable mesh filter to have when the paper ones run out. In hindsight, I would have just bought the mesh one. You live and learn, right?

We buy ground coffee wherever we are traveling (which is fun because we get to try a lot of different types of coffee).

If you are feeling creative, there are a lot of YouTube videos available on how to use your AeroPress to make espressos, cappuccinos, lattes, etc.  We typically keep it simple and make your basic cup of joe (check out the video below).  Just recently, we were staying at an Airbnb and another traveler had an AeroPress. He was using it totally different than we do, though.  Chris asked him about it, and he said it was an inverted method. This method really allowed the coffee to steep and it gives it a much stronger flavor (after trying it ourselves).



Think about it this way, an average cost of a cup of coffee is $2 and if we drink two cups a day each, that = $8/day.  It doesn’t take long to figure out that the AeroPress pays itself off very quickly.

This was one of the best purchase we made and want to spread the word.

Check out our video on how to use the AeroPress on our YouTube Channel – Simply See The World